About Us

TechStain : Technologies for Sustainability

Enabling organizations to adopt and benefit from the emerging technologies for support the sustainability goals of the world.

Our Vision

  1. To be a leading platform for catalyzing the application of advanced emerging technologies for the sustainability of the planet.

Our Mission

  1. We build capabilities in emerging technologies and leverage those capabilities to support the corporations to be ESG compliant.
  2. We offer digital technology solutions for organizations to stay relevant and thrive in the emerging world.
  3. We build a vibrant digital platform based community of likeminded scientists, technologists, academicians, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, professionals and students to exchange and nurture ideas for a more sustainable world from environmental, social and governance (ESG) standpoint.

  1. Service Orientation:We serve the organizations which contribute towards a more sustainable world.
  2. Learning: We nurture continuous learning individually and collectively to get progressively better at what we do.
  3. Innovation: We facilitate and support innovations for enhancing sustainability of society and planet
  4. Excellence:We sincerely adhere to the highest standards of quality during our product, platform and service delivery.
  5. Respect: We respect each other and all our stakeholders including the most underprivileged whom we ultimately serve.
  6. Integrity: We maintain honesty and transparency in all our dealings and keep commitments.

Tell us about your idea, and we’ll make it happen.

Have a business problem that needs to be solved? We’d love to solve it!
Let’s Get Started